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Monthly Musings {January 2024}

Happy Thursday! Today I'm linking up with Holly and Patty for Monthly Musings! This month's topic is......


1. How do you take care of yourself in the winter?

Lotion. Lots and lots of lotion. My hands are currently sooooo dry. I cannot get enough lotion! I'm also drinking lots of water, and I'm getting in lots of protein, healthy fats, and lots of carbs- yes! carbs! 

2. How do you fight the winter blues?

I try as hard as I can to really be content with whatever season we're in, even if it's making me super sad to still be freezing. I also love to pick out cute wintery outfits and shoes! Dressing cute instead of in workout clothes all day definitely makes me feel better. 

3. Tips to make your living space cozy?

Lamps. Candles. Throw blankets. Cute pillows. I loooove being cozy, and these are some of my favorite ways to make things feel more cozy! 

4. Suggestions for fun wintertime activities?

Reading! Curl up with a good book and a cup of tea or coffee! 

5. What are your exercise routines in the winter?

I am currently doing FASTer Way to Fat Loss, and they offer soooo many good workouts. Mondays and Tuesdays are HIIT, Wednesdays and Thursdays are strength training, Friday is always a core circuit, Saturday is leg day, and Sunday is active recovery. These workouts are all 30 minutes and under, so super quick AND super effective!! Today is a 24 hour fast, so pray for me 😂.

6. Best tips for restful sleep?

Get ready for bed slowly with calming music. If I'm in a hurry, I'm going to be frazzled and I just won't sleep very well. Hot shower or bath. Hot tea or warm lemon water before bed. Cool sheets. Lots of blankets. Every now and then I'll wear an eye sleeping mask- I'm thinking of getting a Nod Pod. All of that said, for the best sleep ever- Benadryl ðŸ¤£. #justkidding #noimnot Really though, I sometimes take a Sleep Now supplement from Herbalife, and that does help a ton! 

7. Favorite warm beverage?

Coffee. 100%. If it's late though, I do love really any herbal tea! 

8. Best winter skincare tips?

Face oil!! I mix in Rejuvenique oil from Monat with my nighttime moisturizer. My skin has been really dry lately, and this oil and moisturizer combo has been soooo good! (p.s. if you want more info on Monat- let me know!)

9. Flannel sheets- yes or no?

Nope. We like super cool and crisp sheets around here. 

10. Favorite winter pajamas?

LAKE!! If you know, you know. These are my fave pjs all year long. 


  1. Love your positive outlook and responses! Those pj's are definitely so cute too!

  2. Great post! I enjoyed reading your answers.

  3. I try really hard to be content with whatever season it is that we are currently in too... it's not always easy but I try to remember it won't last forever.

    1. Yes!! That's how I try to look at it as well. Thank you for reading, Joanne!

  4. Ok, I have to know what a Nod Pod is! I have heard people rave about Lake Pj's I may have to check them out.

    1. It's a weighted eye mask- I've heard great things about it!! You should definitely treat yourself to some Lake pjs! Thank you for reading!!

  5. I do love my flannel sheets, but I prefer them only when it is REALLY cold. I use a crazy amount of lotion during the winter too! Stay warm!

    1. My mom loves her flannel sheets!! You stay warm too! Thanks for reading, Kym💗

  6. I'm belatedly catching up on Monthly Musings :) I love a hot cup of tea and a good book before bed.


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