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Hello Monday {6.24.24}

 Happy Monday!! I'm actually typing this post on Monday morning, instead of Sunday evening. Not gonna lie, I was in bed at 6:30 last night 😂. I decided the blog could wait, so here ya go! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah!

My Friday morning view! I love carnations! My Kroger had peonies several times last year, but I haven't found any this year. So, carnations it is! Lighting a candle early in the morning is one of y very favorite things to do!

Friday night, we met my mom and stepdad for dinner so we could see Reid for a little bit. Well.....we watched him sleep the whole time 😂. He'd had a busy day of picking blueberries and playing on the waterslide. I can't say I blame him- ha!

Saturday lunch with Caleb's fam. Greek is one of my favorites!! Yummmmm.

We met up again to try and actually see Reid, and we got sno cones! It was so dang hot! Luckily he was wide awake and in a good mood!

Then Caleb and I headed to a wedding reception for some friends who eloped a few weeks ago! I can't remember if I ever posted about Caleb's brother's wedding, but the same people that catered that, catered this reception (the same people also did the flowers for our wedding!). Those baby BLTs are soooo good! It was all good!

Our view on the way back to Starkville!

Ok, we gotta talk Eras Tour for a sec! Caleb could not understand why I cared so much that, first of all, Jason and Kylie were there!! and PRINCE WILLIAM!! with two of the three kids- like what??!! I loved all the pics and videos so much! Please tell me y'all saw Prince William dancing to Shake It Off 😂. So that little meme cracked me up, but then....

Travis on stage??? I funny! And sweet!! I'm wondering if he'll do that at more shows. Since ya know, he's got his own costume now 😂.

Ok, moving on. Caleb hardwired our tvs to the internet a couple weeks ago, and because of the location of this tv, it can't feed through the wall. So, I decided we needed a basket to try and hide it and to put our blankets and things in. I've seen this one all over blogs and such, but I never thought I'd actually find it. It came from Homegoods- I'm obsessed with it! But the cord still isn't hidden 😂.

Quick Sunday morning breakfast/snack I guess...Caleb had to work, and I went with his parents to see their family and eat lunch. I thought I had a picture of our food, but I guess I don't. My MILs mom made peas, butterbeans, squash casserole, corn casserole, mac and cheese, corn bread, and chicken. Soooo good!

My MIL and I always have to stop by Homegoods in Tupelo- it's the best one! I've been wanting a cup like this for my iced coffee, and I finally found one!

Have a happy Monday!!


  1. Ok yes to TS! The British Royals AND American Royals (Kelces) were there- can't get enough! Your weekends sounds and looks so fun as usual!


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