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Monthly Musings {July 2024}

 Happy Thursday!! I'm linking up with Holly and Patty today for the July edition of Monthly Musings! How are we already at the end of July???

1. We've been to the beach twice, and Caleb and I are hopefully going on a trip sometime in the next couple permitting!

2. My favorite thing from this summer was hands down, our family beach trip to Grayton! It was so. much. fun!!!

3. Dresses, dresses, and more dresses!! Short, long, dressed up, dressed down, tennis dresses, sun dresses, shift dresses....all the dresses.

I also love just a simple tee and jeans outfit like this one!

4. Gresham bracelets! These are my absolute favorite for all year, but especially summer. You can "swim, sweat, shower" in them, plus they can be worn dressed up or down!

5. These flats from Target...

Or, I still love my Birkenstocks and wear them quite often. The Target flats are great for sooo many outfits, though. I usually wear the Birks very casually. I'm not seeing the exact sandals I have, but these are super cute and will go great into fall!

6. Hmmm. We bought a new mattress. VERY spontaneous ๐Ÿ˜‚.

7. I just watched Something's Gotta Give yesterday, and I feel that it's very summery.

I mean...don't you agree?? Also, I'd like to be Diane Keaton in my next life, please and thank you!

8. I don't love ice cream, like, it's not my go to dessert really ever. But, I have eaten it quite a bit this summer!

9. Bring on fall!!!!

10. I don't have kids, but I am in school. Not ready for that quite yet! I'm still in my last summer class, but it's been fine with just the one. Not sure I'm ready for four classes at once yet!

Have a great Thursday!


  1. I have driven through Grayton beach but never stayed. We have stayed in Destin and Niceville, which are all in that same region. It's funny because those areas sound far (2, 2.5 hours) but if you looked at them on a map compared to Tallahassee, it doesn't seem that far at all!

    1. We always stayed in Destin when I was growing up!! They do seem so far away!

  2. Those bracelets are so cute; I was admiring your red, white and blue ones in the 4th of July post.

  3. Yes! I want to dress like Diane Keaton every day- ha! :) Thanks for linking up!

    1. I love her style so much!! Thank you for reading!

  4. Cute bracelets! I'm Team Bring on Fall as well.

  5. Fall weather & colors are my favorite!

  6. I am so with you on dresses for the summer. They are just so easy.
    Thanks for joining us!

  7. I love the Target flats and now I want to watch Something's Gotta Give -- I've never seen it.


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