Happy last Friday of June, everybody!! How was your week? Mine went by suuuuper slow, but gosh how is June already almost over?! It's Friday!! So, I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea to share some faves from the week! Did you catch my JUNE BOOK REVIEW yesterday?? I loooved TWO of the three books I read. I'm already starting on my July reads, and so far I really love what I picked! I have several lined up for the months of July and August, and I'm really excited about them. If you have any recommendations for me, let me know! Ohhhh my goodness! I made crab cakes earlier this week, and they were DELISH! I don't know why I've never thought about making them before, but dang they were so easy! PLUS, we ate on the fine china! That's a favorite for sure! I'm really loving cooking lately. I've decided to make it a hobby that I love, rather than something I just have to do. I play some music, sometimes have a glass of wine, and just try not to stress...