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Let's Look: February 2024


 Happy Wednesday!! And happy Valentine's Day!! I hope you're spending the day with the ones you love the most! It's my favorite day of the month- I'm linking up with Shay and Erika for Let's Look!!

Here is a look back at what we "looked" at in 2023!

In January we "looked" at How We Clean Our Closets.

Today, we are "looking" at.....


In no particular order, here are the things I do every single day, almost with no thought!

Load/unload the dishwasher. Sometimes I do this twice a day. Having an empty sink makes my kitchen soooo much more peaceful!

Eat on real plates. I don't even buy paper plates anymore. Lots of people spent good money on our dishes as wedding gifts, so why not use them?? Especially the fine china. I like to break that out and I may have turkey roll ups on it or a nice steak dinner 😂. Life is TOO short to not use the good plates!! 

Drink a fun drink or have a fun glass/mug. I have a very extensive mug collection that I love very much! A cute mug makes coffee taste better, right? I love to drink an Olipop or La Croix during the day, and I'll sometimes pour it over ice in a cute glass!

Spray on a little perfume before bed. Why not? Just a tiny spray, nothing too strong, and not the most expensive either. Right now I'm using a little sample from Sephora. I feel like I sleep better by doing this! 

Wear nice pjs. Y'all know I love my Lake pjs! Wearing nice pjs is like using the nice plates. I mean, why not?? I like to be as comfortable and cool as possible when I'm sleeping and good quality pjs definitely help with this! 

Write out a to do list. I accomplish soooo much when I write out a list. I also feel a lot more productive when I get to check off an item! 

Listen to music while I clean up/do laundry/etc. If I'm listening to music, I'm enjoying whatever the chore is SO much more. 

Play a stupid game on my phone. The addiction I have to this dumb little game is bad. I play it in the morning, during the day, while we're watching tv at's literally so stupid. But, I play it every. single. day. UGH! But it's fun, so you should get it 😂. 

Light a candle or turn on the Pura. I love good smells. I have to have a good smell in my house basically all the time. I have candles everywhere you look in my house, and we have a Pura in our living room and our bedroom. 

Froth my coffee creamer. You would think this doesn't do a whole lot, but I really think it kind of elevates the flavor of the creamer. We have a frother attachment on our coffee maker, but a hand held one would work just as well. 

Listen to worship music in the morning. Right after I listen to the Bible Recap podcast, I turn on worship music. My day is so much better when I do this! 

Wipe down the kitchen counters. I probably do this five times a day really- ha! I can't stand a dirty or sticky counter. Plus it doesn't take but maybe a minute, and then your kitchen smells fresh and clean! 

Take a probiotic. I started doing this about a year ago, and I feel like it has changed my life for the better! I take this one specifically for women. I read that you should take one that has 40 billion CFU, and at least 13 or more strains. I have no idea what that means, but mine fits the bill! I get it at Kroger. 

Track macros/plan out meals for the day in advance. I talked about this in my low carb and regular macro posts. When I plan ahead, I hit my goals. When I don't plan ahead, I get no where near my goals. I also write down my meals and snacks so I can cross them off as I eat them! 

Read other blogs. I loooove to read other blogs!! One of my favorite parts about doing link ups like this is so that I can find other blogs! 

Get dressed. I have to get dressed in order to feel productive. If I stay in my workout clothes, or even pjs, I just do not feel as productive. I don't wear makeup everyday (when I'm at home all day), but I do fix my hair and put on real clothes. 

Skincare. Morning and night, I do my skincare. I don't know how anyone could NOT do this. My day doesn't really start until I do this and doesn't end until I do it at night. 

Shower before bed. It doesn't matter if I just took a shower a couple hours ago, I am taking one again before bed. I used to not do this, but now it just feels so weird if I don't.

Watch a show or movie while I eat breakfast and lunch. I have done this for as long as I can remember. This is probably a habit I could break, but it's almost a little luxury to me, ya know?

Ok, I feel like this list has gotten super long!! Have a great Wednesday! 


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