Happy Friday!! How was your week? Today, I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea to share some of my faves from the week! Quick heads up, next week and the week after, I will not be blogging. I'm getting to the end of the semester and the next two weeks I'll be busy busy getting final assignments done and studying for and taking tests. So, I should be back here on my blog on May 13! Ok, let's get into some favorites! Well, this cracked me up 😂. I was in the first 10% of TTPD listeners?!?! I wonder how many people that actually is. I am very much obsessed with this album, and I think it could even take the title of my favorite album.... Our rose bushes are going crazy!! I picked a few last Saturday to put in the kitchen, and I just love seeing them! I was very happy to see the roses come back this year since we definitely killed the hydrangeas. Oops. I'm trying to actually make dinner at least one night a week. The other nights we have a sandwich or something. Basica...